Microbial Fuel Cells A New Approach to Waste Water Treatment

Bacteria, naturally present in wastewater, is used both for treating the wastewater and also as a catalyst for producing electricity, leading to effective cost reductions.


Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology has given rise to a new form of renewable energy, namely electricity produced from material that would otherwise be considered as waste. This technology uses bacteria already present in the wastewater as a catalyst for generating electricity, while at the same time treating the wastewater. Although MFCs generate less energy than hydrogen fuel cells, the combination of both electricity production and wastewater treatment effectively reduces the cost of primary effluent treatment


In our laboratory we utilize MFC technology as a new biodegradation approach for toxic wastewater, particularly that containing phenolic compounds.


                           (a)                                                                                        (b) 


Figure 1:  Microbial fuel cell, [a] components scheme, [b] MFC in the lab.


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